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Sigmund Freud: Group Psychology and The Analysis of The Ego (eBook)

Group Psychology and The Analysis of The Ego (eBook)

Sigmund Freud's second essay, after Totem and Taboo (1912-13a), on collective psychology, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego is perhaps his fundamental work on that topic. He began contemplating the project in 1919: "I had not only completed the draft of 'Beyond the Pleasure Principle' ...


The question he addresses here is, What are the emotional bonds that hold collective entities, such as an army and a church, together? It is a fruitful question, and Freud offers some interesting answers. But Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego stands chiefly as an invitation to further psychoanalytic exploration.


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  • ISBN: 978-961-6935-69-2
  • E-knjiga: brez DRM zaščite
  • Prenosi: 4x ePUB & 4x AZW3 (Kindle) & 4x MOBI & 4x PDF

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