The Fingerprint (eBook)
Patricia Wentworth
Miss Silver Series
When she found the body of her beloved Uncle Jonathan, Georgina's mind went blank. Instinctively, she stooped to ...
Bratec Branko in sestrica Mica (e-knjiga)
Th. Rotman
Prevedel: Fran Levstik
Na svetu je malo tako drobnih otročičkov, kakor sta bila bratec Branko in sestrica Mica. A kaj vse sta doživela, ...
Tolovaj Mataj in druge slovenske pravljice (e-knjiga)
Fran Milčinski
Bolj malo je znano ljudem, da je bil Fran Milčinski oče štirih otrok in je za njih pisal pravljice. Nekaj jih temelji na priznanih junakih in p ...
The Great Gatsby (eBook)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby is a novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West ...
Selected Short Stories (eBook)
Kate Chopin
Kate Chopin had different lifestyles throughout her life. These lifestyles provided her with insights and understanding that permitted her to analyze ...
Crime and Punishment (eBook)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Raskolnikov, a conflicted former student, lives in a tiny, rented room in Saint Petersburg. He refuses all help, even from his friend Razumikhin, ...
Soseska (e-knjiga)
Anton Ingolič
Soseska je kmečka povest z izrazitim socialnim ozadjem. Ingolič je pisal o tistem, kar je sam doživljal. Po diplomi 1931 se je vrnil k svoj ...
David Copperfield (eBook)
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield, is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. Like most of his works, it originally appeared in serial form a year earlier. Many elements ...
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